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Want to know what it has taken to be a C&G UK title holder? Rachel Chant has taken the time to give us an interview.


34 (35 in July) year old Rachel Chant from North Wales was crowned Woman Crown & Glory UK back in August 2018.


How did you get into pageants?

I first started in pageants in mid 2017 when I was persuaded to have a go by some good friends and my daughter who has been doing Carnivals for 5 years.
My first experience was the Miss Eryri Charity pageant which I really enjoyed even though I didn't place, followed by entering the Miss Isle of Anglesey where I finished 1st runner up. By then I was already on the slippery road to the addiction to pageants, so I took the plunge and entered my first Crown &  Glory pageant and won the Woman Wales title. The rest is history.


How did you prepare for the UK Nationals 2018?

During my run up to the UK Nationals I took great advantage of any local events, for an appearance or to hold a stall or collection for our charity Abbie's Army. I also took the chance to start my own awareness campaign for Abbie's Army getting people around the world involved. We did this by taking the Abbie's Army t-shirt around the world as many times as I could and getting the name of the charity out there.
Personally I also managed to achieve things I never thought I would even try, including, a static cycle equal to the distance around the coast of Anglesey, a sponsored run at the Holyhead Festival and doing a talk to a few hundred children at Ysgol Cybi about children's brain cancer.
I can definitely say that the lead up to nationals pushed me to achieve more than I ever thought I could.

How did you feel on the day of Crown & Glory UK 2018?

On the day it self I was a bag of nervous energy, eating was definitely not advisable but I was excited to be with my new pageant family.
The build up during the day went so much faster than I expected and before I knew it I had done my interview and was getting ready for the opening number (no going back now).
Being on stage with so many beautiful ladies made me pretty nervous but gave me such a great feeling of belonging and being part of something special.

What was your first reaction and feelings to being called as 2018 UK winner?

Shock! Was it real? Did I really hear my name? No, this is me, this doesn't happen to me?

Apparently it was very real and I was being pushed forward to get my crown.
That moment lasts for days afterwards, the feeling of walking on air, suddenly being part of an amazing family and knowing that you really have achieved what you thought was impossible is something that never leaves you x

What are your most proud moments or achievements?

There are 2 that I'm most proud of.

First is most definitely the Charity Title! I have learned so much about Abbie's Army and the work they are trying to do and I felt very happy to be able to support a worthy cause raising over £2,300 during my time with Crown & Glory.

Second has to winning Best in Swimwear, as a plus size lady, my goodness I NEVER thought I would walk on stage in a swimming costume and heels, so I took the opportunity to make it a little different while keeping my confidence in check. My butterfly wings will always be a great memory.

What advice can you give to those entered or entering a pageant?

As I am very new to doing pageants myself I'm still in the learning process, however the best bit of advice I could possibly give is to be yourself, let your personality show through your movements and dress choices. Don't be afraid to be a little different and have as much fun as you can because it will show on stage.

Any tips for preparation?

Try and keep ahead of yourself so your not rushing at the last minute. Things like doing your appearance book as your going so you don't end up covered in glitter and glue the day before or packing up your dresses and accessories in advance so you have everything to hand.
Find a really comfortable pair of heels or two. Walk in them everywhere so when you get on stage you feel really confident and sure of each step or turn you take.
Don't be afraid to talk, get to know your fellow contestants and ask any questions of the reigning queens on the day, we will all be there to help each other and make it a fun event.

What plans do you have for the future?

The future is not set for me yet but I do plan on continuing to support my fellow pageant queens in their own journeys and keep on with my charity fundraising. I hope to take part in many more local community events and activities to support my home town.
As for continuing with pageants? At the moment I'm focusing on enjoying my title and working the best I can for Crown and Glory.
I don't think this will be the end for me but we will have to wait and see where I go next.

Butterfly Wings
Colin Grist
Ant Bradshaw
2018 group queens
charity uk winners
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